Custom Stored Procedure returns an unspecified error during Gather phase.
For a customer I have set up MDT 2010 on a Windows 2003 SP2 server. I have configured the MDT database on the same machine using SQL 2008 Express. Using the steps outlined on I have created a stored procedure that automatically creates computer entries in the MDT database (I used a slightly modified version which I also used succesfully for another customer - see below). However, during the installation I get an error during the Gather phase: About to issue SQL statement: EXECUTE IdentifyComputer 'B8:AC:6F:xx:xx:xx', 'True', 'False', 'False' ERROR - Opening Record Set (Error Number = -2147467259) (Error Description: Unspecified error). ADO error: Unspecified error (Error #-2147467259; Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server; SQL State: ; NativeError: 0) Unable to execute database query. If I run the same query through the Management Studio, I get no errors. Can anyone help me shed some light on this weird error? USE [MDT] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[IdentifyComputer] Script Date: 10/19/2010 16:47:28 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[IdentifyComputer] @MacAddress CHAR(17), @IsDesktop CHAR(10), @IsLaptop CHAR(10), @IsServer CHAR(10) /* @Make VARCHAR(50), */ /* @Model VARCHAR(50) */ AS DECLARE @Cnt INT, @Prefix VARCHAR(50), @Sequence INT, @NewName VARCHAR(50) SET NOCOUNT ON /* See if there is an existing record for this machine */ SELECT @Cnt=COUNT(*) FROM ComputerIdentity WHERE MacAddress = @MacAddress /* No record? Add one. */ IF @Cnt = 0 BEGIN /* Create a new machine name */ BEGIN TRAN SELECT @Prefix=Prefix, @Sequence=Sequence FROM MachineNameSequence WHERE IsDesktop = @IsDesktop AND IsLaptop = @IsLaptop AND IsServer = @IsServer SET @Sequence = @Sequence + 1 UPDATE MachineNameSequence SET Sequence = @Sequence WHERE IsDesktop = @IsDesktop AND IsLaptop = @IsLaptop AND IsServer = @IsServer SET @NewName = @Prefix + Right('0000'+LTrim(Str(@Sequence)),4) /* Insert the new record */ INSERT INTO ComputerIdentity (Description, MacAddress) VALUES (@NewName, @MacAddress) INSERT INTO Settings (Type, ID, OSDComputerName, OSDInstallSilent, OSInstall) VALUES ('C',@@IDENTITY, @NewName, '1', 'Y') COMMIT TRAN END /* Return the record as the result set */ SELECT * FROM ComputerIdentity WHERE MacAddress = @MacAddress The table MachineNameSequence is set up as following: USE [MDT] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[MachineNameSequence] Script Date: 10/20/2010 10:08:47 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MachineNameSequence]( [Prefix] [varchar](50) NULL, [Sequence] [int] NOT NULL, [IsDesktop] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [IsLaptop] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [IsServer] [varchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MachineNameSequence] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_MachineNameSequence_IsDesktop] DEFAULT ('False') FOR [IsDesktop] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MachineNameSequence] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_MachineNameSequence_IsLaptop] DEFAULT ('False') FOR [IsLaptop] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MachineNameSequence] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_MachineNameSequence_IsServer] DEFAULT ('False') FOR [IsServer] GO The customsettings.ini: [Settings] Priority=IdentifyComputer, CSettings, CPackages, CApps, CAdmins, CRoles, Locations, LSettings, LPackages, LApps, LAdmins, LRoles, MMSettings, MMPackages, MMApps, MMAdmins, MMRoles, RSettings, RPackages, RApps, RAdmins, Default Properties=MyCustomProperty [Default] OSInstall=Y SkipWizard=YES [IdentifyComputer] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ StoredProcedure=IdentifyComputer Parameters=MacAddress,IsDesktop,IsLaptop,IsServer [CSettings] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=ComputerSettings Parameters=UUID, AssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddress ParameterCondition=OR [CPackages] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=ComputerPackages Parameters=UUID, AssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddress ParameterCondition=OR Order=Sequence [CApps] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=ComputerApplications Parameters=UUID, AssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddress ParameterCondition=OR Order=Sequence [CAdmins] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=ComputerAdministrators Parameters=UUID, AssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddress ParameterCondition=OR [CRoles] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=ComputerRoles Parameters=UUID, AssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddress ParameterCondition=OR [Locations] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=Locations Parameters=DefaultGateway [LSettings] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=LocationSettings Parameters=DefaultGateway [LPackages] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=LocationPackages Parameters=DefaultGateway Order=Sequence [LApps] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=LocationApplications Parameters=DefaultGateway Order=Sequence [LAdmins] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=LocationAdministrators Parameters=DefaultGateway [LRoles] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=LocationRoles Parameters=DefaultGateway [MMSettings] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=MakeModelSettings Parameters=Make, Model [MMPackages] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=MakeModelPackages Parameters=Make, Model Order=Sequence [MMApps] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=MakeModelApplications Parameters=Make, Model Order=Sequence [MMAdmins] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=MakeModelAdministrators Parameters=Make, Model [MMRoles] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=MakeModelRoles Parameters=Make, Model [RSettings] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=RoleSettings Parameters=Role [RPackages] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=RolePackages Parameters=Role Order=Sequence [RApps] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=RoleApplications Parameters=Role Order=Sequence [RAdmins] SQLServer=da-ttai-01 Instance=SQLEXPRESS Database=MDT Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=RoleAdministrators Parameters=Role
October 20th, 2010 11:29am

Have you added the user (network access account) as a security login to the database, and assigned Execute permissions on the stored procedure itself? / Johan
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October 20th, 2010 2:13pm

Yes I have; I even launched the Management Studio under the account in question and could perform the stored procedure without issues. I'm starting to think this is connection related, however the ZTIGather.log file states (immediatly followed by the error mentioned above): Connecting to SQL Server using connect string: Provider=SQLOLEDB;OLE DB Services=0;Data Source=da-ttai-01\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MDT;Network Library=DBNMPNTW;Integrated Security=SSPI Successfully opened connection to database
October 20th, 2010 5:28pm

I followed the steps outlined on to troubleshoot this issue, and got an access denied to every database connection attempt that was made. I then used a "net use \\servername\DeploymentShare$ /user:domain\username" to create a connection with the correct credentials, and all connections succeeded *including* the custom procedure. So, somehow, the custom procedure was not using the right credentials in the first place. I'm going to try and add the credentials to the role that I have defined in MDT and see if this fixes the issue. EDIT: Well that didn't do a thing. So how come that when I run ZTIGather.wsf manually that it works, but when it's run as part of the deployment, I'm getting this error?!
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November 3rd, 2010 7:29am

I followed the steps outlined on to troubleshoot this issue, and got an access denied to every database connection attempt that was made. I then used a "net use \\servername\DeploymentShare$ /user:domain\username" to create a connection with the correct credentials, and all connections succeeded *including* the custom procedure. So, somehow, the custom procedure was not using the right credentials in the first place. I'm going to try and add the credentials to the role that I have defined in MDT and see if this fixes the issue.
November 3rd, 2010 7:30am

Hi, We have the exact same problem did you ever find a solution to this problem? regards, Remco
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May 17th, 2011 3:30am

I have the same problem. Any solution to this problem? /Peter
July 4th, 2011 10:02am

Please post the ZTIGather.log, and your cs.ini file (post a link to the logs, don't paste their content) / Johan Regards / Johan Arwidmark Twitter: @jarwidmark Blog: FB:
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July 4th, 2011 11:16am

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