Combine two sets with different Measures
I want to do something like this : 1. this is my first set [Geography].[Geography].allmembers ,[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory].allmembers, [Product].[Product Categories].allmembers, [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] 2. my second set [Geography].[Geography].allmembers,[Measures].[Internet Gross Profit] And I did something like this Set [InternetSalesSet] as NonEmpty(CrossJoin([Geography].[Geography].allmembers,crossjoin([Sales Territory].[Sales Territory].allmembers,[Product].[Product Categories].allmembers)), [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]) Set [GrossProfitSet] as NonEmpty([Geography].[Geography].allmembers,[Measures].[Internet Gross Profit]) Set [UnionSet] as Intersect ([InternetSalesSet] , [GrossProfitSet]) Select {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],[Measures].[Internet Gross Profit]} on Columns, {UnionSet} On Rows FROM [AdventureWorks] I do not want to bring it in one set,and the two measures in columns. It does not work , I need to do something like this also this query is too heavy and I don't know how to optimize this Help Will be appreciate Thanks, D.Culler
February 10th, 2011 3:34pm

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